Achievements of modern technology influence our everyday life. Based on our own long-term experience, workmanship and comprehensiveness, our company focuses on continuous improvement and upgrading of our services.
MONTÁŽE Trenčín a.s. have own special assembly tools, electric tools and special mounting accessories for our professional activities. We have our own mobile mechanization with a lifting capacity to 28 tons and in cooperation with Montáže Přerov a.s. we have heavy mobile cranes up to 400 t lifting capacity available.
Our success is based on the most important value we have – our people.
Therefore the essential factor we care about is continuous education and training in Occupational Safety and Health Protection, Fire Protection, renewing and increasing qualifications of employees in the following fields:
Complete execution of projects of large investment complexes. The comprehensiveness of a delivery is a benefit for a customer.
We provide complete manufacture and professional installation of material handling equipment.
Skilled and experienced technical and assembly workers of MONTÁŽE Trenčín a.s., provide complex services during the whole period of the technological equipment operation.
Expert services, professional approach and fast feedback are essential elements applied by our company within a field of technological equipment maintenance.
We provide the complex manufacture from small spare parts to large units, e.g. shells of ball mills, of rotary kilns, of debarking drums and dryers of various diameters.
MONTÁŽE Trenčín a.s. have own special assembly tools, electric tools and special mounting accessories for our professional activities. Our company have own mobile cranes with a lifting capacity to 28 tons and, if needed, we can dispose of heavy mobile cranes with a lifting capacity up to 300 tons, a property of Montáže Přerov a.s., our our parent company.
Special methods are used for the measurements so that alignment of e.g. rotary devices in a horizontal or vertical direction can be achieved as good as possible. All these activities are performed by specialized certified technical workers using geodetic instruments and other specific equipment.
Certificates and authorizations owned by our company are an evidence for our customers that our skill, capabilities and experience are not only declared, but also verified by leading certification bodies.
Our customers and cooperating subjects can be sure that our cooperation in a given field will be smooth and in accordance with legislation.