Bratislavská 111
911 05 Trenčín
+421 908 723 167
A basic objective and a mission of MONTÁŽE Trenčín a.s. is an absolute orientation and concentration on a customer and his specific needs. All internal processes of the company management and development are conformed to this strategy (from maintenance and development of our mechanization and technology over individual workers through to the middle and top management).
Our growth strategy is based above all on a consolidation of our position on the domestic market, extending cooperation with our parent company Montáže Přerov a.s. and other selected subjects that contribute to an increase of quality of delivered products and rendered services, and on continuous development of human resources on all levels.
We endeavor to be a strong and reliable business partner for our customers. Continuous development and dynamics of advancement of our company will always be benefits from which particularly our customer will be profiting.